When You Feel Stuck—Acts Series—Josiah Kagin

Paul and two hundred and seventy-five others, including criminals, have been on a wild ship ride through a storm named Euroclydon. It was a typhoon. They were supposed to winter at Phenice which was forty miles west of Fair Havens on the island of Crete. However, after their voyage began the sudden typhoon arose. They had to take down the sails and just let the wind and waves drive the ship. For fourteen days the storm did not cease and most lost all hope of survival except for the faith-filled words of Paul. He told them that God had revealed that no one would lose their lives even though the ship would be a total loss. Marvelously, God’s providential hand is seen in guiding the cargo vessel four hundred and eighty miles west to a tiny island in the Adriatic Sea. The ship was run aground on the rocky coast and all the passengers escaped safely to shore. The island was Malita or Malta and they would be stranded there for the next three wintery months. During this time, Paul demonstrates how we should navigate the situations and season of our lives in which we feel stuck.