Illuminating a Generation—Growth Point—Josiah Kagin

Israel’s history is overflowing with the accounts of the marvelous works of God (Psalm 78:12-16). He used Moses to lead over a million Israelites out of bondage and servitude in Egypt, the world power of that day. He divided the Red Sea so that they could cross on dry ground and closed the waters over the formidable Egyptian Army destroying it in mere moments. He led them through the wilderness with a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day. He fed them with manna and did not allow their clothes or shoes to wear out. He gave them water out of rocks. After forty years of wandering, He used Joshua to lead a new generation into the land of Canaan and gave them great victory against incredible odds. He satisfied them with land, houses and vineyards. The goodness of God was beyond imagination. Yet, after Joshua and his contemporary elders died, a generation grew up that was unaware of the marvelous work of God.

Judges 2:7 And the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great works of the Lord, that he did for Israel.

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