The Work of Discipleship—Acts Series—Josiah Kagin

God had powerfully worked in the city of Ephesus. Many had received Christ and had made decisions to make a clean separation from ungodliness in their personal lives. Their choices effectively impacted the economy of idol sales, the worship of the goddess Artemis as well as the local officials of the city. The power of Christ to change lives was clearly seen, but not liked by all. Following a great uproar in the Theatre along with God’s providential deliverance, Paul purposefully determined that he would travel to Macedonia to carry on the work of discipleship there. Along the way, men that he had led to faith in Jesus Christ accompanied him and helped him in the work of the ministry. In every place, Paul communicated the Word of God and exhorted the disciples of Christ. Like Paul, we need to be committed to being a disciple and making disciples

Disciple: A disciple is a committed follower of Jesus Christ. One who loves Christ so much that he has forsaken all to follow Christ. 

Luke 14:33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.

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