Upside-Down – Acts – Josiah Kagin

After comforting the new believers in Philippi, Paul and Silas move onto new mission fields with the Good News of Christ. Likely, Luke and Timothy remained in Philippi to continue ministering to the young church plant. Paul and Silas passed through two Macedonian cities before halting in Thessalonica. As they preached in the synogogue, many turned to Christ by faith causing envious, non-believing Jews to rise up in opposition. They were accused of turning the world upside down with their preaching of Christ. The new believers rushed Paul and Silas out of town and they arrived at Berea. Immediately, Paul found the hearts of the people to be ready to receive the preaching of the Word of God concerning Jesus as the Messiah. At some point while Paul was ministering there, Timothy seems to have rejoined Paul and Silas likely bearing a second love offering (Philippians 4:15-16) from the Philippian believers. This was given to meet Paul’s needs he had incurred while ministering in Thessalonica (1 Thessalonians 2:19). It was not long until the same envious, non-believing Jews travelled from Thessalonica to stir up the city of Berea against Paul and his preaching. He was once again escorted out of town by committed brethren and arrived in Athens to continue preaching Jesus Christ.

Acts 17:6 These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;

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